Year End Bonus: a GPT to help with your New Year's Resolutions
This time of year, many reflect on their values. What are yours? How can you weave your life around them?
A method for uncovering and specifying human values underlies all our work, from new governance mechanisms to new AI alignment techniques.
As a special gift for those of you with ChatGPT plus, we packaged up that values-uncovering method in a GPT for Values Discovery.
You can use it privately, or it will also make little “blog posts” about the values you’ve discovered, which you can keep around if you want. Joe used it a lot this week.
It helps you find values behind who you admire or appreciate. Here's Joe reflecting on a friendship.
You can tell it about your feelings. Feelings about missed connections during the holidays pointed to this value.
Or use it to talk over a life decision! Here, Joe used it to think about work/life balance for 2024.
Run through the challenges and opportunities of your own life. Find your values, and let us know how it goes!
Joe, Oliver, and Ellie
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Great, thanks! Just used it to generate a "Home Sanctuary Creation" value card, it really captured something that is important to me. 🙏