This is truly inspiring! Made my day!

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Oliver Klingefjord

Wow, incredibly inspiring work! Thank you! 🙏

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Oliver Klingefjord

Congratulations! Humanity advances as we find more generative ways to resolve conflict, and this might become a game changer!

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great to see this work come alive looks like a super successful study. Huge potential for shifting forward the democratic process and human (therefore AI) alignment.

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I hope your model is more impartial than your analysis! 3.9 to 4.2 is not that significantly different. The real point if 3.9 totally agreed. Citing whether one political bias was more or less receptive than another, merely serves to segregate option, once again. It also questions the authors personal political biases. SO if we're going to have a tool to create common goals and impartiality, as HUMANS, we need to make sure we do not re-interpret the data to a bias. What is hopeful is that 3.9 can totally agree. What is less promising is when the analysis is then biased, pretending statistics makes it OK or real. 3.9 have common goals. That is a larger percentage. Let's hope if we can continue to get mass opinion involved, that this trend continues towards common goals It still leaves open the question of do the minority goals not matter at all, or do they have any place, or does mob rule always win? Then I have to question if the mob are misinformed or badly guided by a minority who are in control. So if you simply have to brainwash 51%, the power is not with the masses, but in those who can influence what th e51% "think" are the goals.

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